I am very demanding when it comes to my replica watches. For me, quality is everything. Sure, I know that a knockoff is just a knockoff, but I still expect it to be a considerably good watch. Reliability, durability, accuracy and 1:1 aesthetics are just a few of the qualities that I’m going after every time I order a new imitation watch. This is why I don’t just order a replica timepiece. For me, this means much more. I research the web, I study the company’s website very carefully, I test its customer services and I always, but always, make an informed decision. And almost every time the results manage to pleasantly surprise me. Almost every time, I end up receiving a beautiful replica watch that exceeds my expectations and makes me realize that my time and effort were well spent.
Now, my attention has been caught by a very interesting replica watches website that looks quite promising. Its name is Biao.is and at first glance it appears to be the kind of imitation timepieces website that knows how to balance the 3 most important things in Internet shopping: good prices, decent product quality and friendly customer services. I am really anxious of finding more about this online store and I invite you all to join me on this replica watches website review.
Looks are important. There is no point in denying it, especially, when we’re talking about an e-shop. The first thing that we see, the homepage, is the thing that makes us conclude if a website is worth our attention or not. We tend to throw a quick look at the site to see if we should continue to browse the collection or simply exit the page. I know, it is superficial, but in most cases it turns out to be the wisest decision as professional companies tend to invest a lot of resources into their image, even on the Internet. In this case, Megawatch.to doesn’t disappoint. It is a nicely designed website that is quite easy on the eye. And its looks are not the only thing that pleases with simplicity. The store is also very simple to navigate. The intuitive layout of the homepage is the main reason for this. On the top of the page there is a slim menu bar that has buttons for All Brands, Rolex, Breitling, Panerai, Blog and Contact Us. Basically, from here you can depart on your new replica watches shopping adventure. You can start searching for your much-sought after knockoff; discover more about imitations by reading the blog or find out important information about the company’s policies by contacting Customer Services. It all begins with just one click.
But there is more to the Homepage than utility and ease of access. It also fulfills its aesthetical purpose by including elegant promotional banners with a “20% discount for orders over $260”, two image buttons that organize the fake watches collection into Men and Women models so you can browse them quicker, a new products section on the lower part of the page, a brand Categories bar in the upper left side of the page and a Sale carousel in the lower left side. Everything is carefully displayed and located as to appeal to online replica shoppers who are on the lookout for their next great imitation timepiece.
I was pleasantly surprised to see that Biao.is offers very affordable prices for all its fake watches. These days, you can hardly find an online store that sells clones under $250. Most of these Asian movement knockoffs cost over $250 so naturally when you come across a website like this one- that has reasonable prices- you tend to feel the need to appreciate it. I for one, I am quite impressed by the price-quality ratio of its products. The watches cost between $170-$250 and have really nice technical specifications. These are manufactured from solid stainless steel, have a high grade automatic movement, a sapphire crystal and a very authentic looking design.
The really neat thing about ordering products from this online replica store is that for orders over $260 you get 10% off. This discount is confirmed in the shopping cart. Right after you click on the “Add to Cart” button, you can access the shopping cart to view the name, price, stock availability and quantity of the ordered products. There is also a discount coupon box and an Update button for applying further discounts. Also, on the lower part of the Shopping Cart there is a section that mentions the shipping fee and the discount that has been applied to your order total.
On the bottom of the page there are the links to the most important informative sections of the site like Shipping, Return Policy, Guarantee and FAQ. Basically, here you will find the most crucial information for ensuring that the company is able to provide the policies, services and quality you need. Simply click on the Shipping button to find out what are the carriers and costs available for delivery. From what I can tell, this online store sends orders all around the world and it uses Express Air Mail. Usually, the estimated delivery time is about 7-10 business days. Naturally, all packages have a tracking number that can be used to trace its progress online. And the company needs about 2-3 business days to prepare the products for dispatch. The only thing I would improve here is adding a faster delivery option like UPS, DHL or TNT, something that allows you to pay extra and get your order faster like in 4-5 business days.
Biao.is offers a 14 days refund and exchange guarantee. This means that if you have received a replica watch that doesn’t meet your expectations you can simply contact the company’s representatives to request the details for sending it back. Depending on whether you want to get a refund or exchange, once the product is delivered to their headquarters you will be issued a refund or sent a new watch. If you experience any problems with the imitation timepiece after the first 14 days then you are in luck because the merchant is also able to repair the product under the terms and conditions of its 6 months warranty.
This replica store managed to surprise me in the most unexpected way. Its customer service is just what you need from an Internet shop. Quick, friendly and reliable. The live chat button was the first thing I noticed when entering the site. I was connected to one of their representatives named Olivia who was very nice and helpful. She explained everything to me and clarified all my questions regarding the return policy, shipping process, the quality of the watches and even how to place my order. It is not very often that I come across such decent customer services and it is only fair to mention it. If I may say, the email communication is also quite good as the answer usually comes back in a couple of hours or at least mine were always received promptly. The only thing I would add here would be a contact phone number, but as long as the emails are answered so quickly and professionally, I really do not mind.
Overall, I am quite pleased with Biao.is. Surprisingly, this online fake watches store knows exactly what to offer and say to ensure a superior degree of customer satisfaction. It appeals with a nicely designed website, it has a diversified selection of knockoffs, attractive prices, worldwide delivery, interesting discounts, a 14 days return policy, 6 months warranty and great customer care. Of course, there is still room for improvements, but I can say with confidence that it is a pretty good place for ordering a replica watch online, one that I would gladly recommend.